
Our work and travels have brought us in contact with many remarkable people. Here is a little background to some of our colleagues and partners. As an explicitly open learning system, we urge you to connect with these people.


Stretch Therapy classes and private sessions are available in Sydney’s CBD. Cherie Seeto also combines stretching with Remedial Massage for DOMS recovery and best of all, her work feels great.


In addition to being a practitioner and instructor of Stretch Therapy and Monkey Gym methods, and a practitioner of soft tissue therapies, Dave Wardman is developing his own system. The methods he employs are fundamentally about transmutation (positively changing, transforming and refining) of the physical body. Physical Alchemy is what he does. Craig Mallet has joined with Dave in Sydney: details of his classes are available on the Physical Alchemy website.


Patrick Kearney co-presents meditation workshops with Kit, both in Australia and overseas annually. Patrick was robed for six years (Burma and Thailand); he is now a ‘wandering ascetic’ who teaches satipaṭṭhāna in the lineage of Mahāsī Sayādaw. He applies the Buddha’s teachings to our everyday life in the contemporary world.


Yuri Marmerstein is an extremely talented handbalancer, who is both an excellent teacher and friend. Oliva and I learned a huge amount about handstands when we were able to work with Yuri recently in Charlottesville, VA and Canberra, Australia. It isn’t just that he knows a huge amount about how to perfect this difficult skill, it’s his capacity to teach everyone at his or her level that’s the most impressive aspect. If you get a chance to work with him, don’t pass it up.


Emmet Louis and Elise Missall (we call them E-squared) are committed to open learning, as are we. I [Kit] first met Emmet on a workshop in Piacenza (you can read about it here ; we hit it off immediately. I recall doing a gracilis release on him that helped his pancake, but it was his facial expressions I recall the best!

Emmet is a very experienced coach, an ex-circus acrobat, and world-class juggler. He also have one of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard! And I recently had the privilege of attending his “Modern Methods of Mobility”; I was sore for a week after, but it kick-started my personal practise which had been languishing for a while. Thoroughly recommended.


Run by the ‘witch doctor’ Bill Giles, Health Ecology offers many services and workshops; all are highly recommended.


I have had the pleasure of meeting with, eating (and drinking) with, and working with Ryan Hurst from GMB Fitness, and this has been a mutually very enjoyable experience! Ry is a wonderful human being and is an excellent presenter (and demonstrator) of all things gymnastic (and he has the best cold flexibility of anyone I have seen, apart from our friend Yuri Mamerstein; they are about the same—perfect!). If you have an opportunity to work with Ryan, I strongly recommend not thinking about it; just do it.


Steve has developed unique theories on rider positioning and has positioned riders of all cycling disciplines and abilities including many with significant physical and structural deficiencies. He is widely acknowledged as an authority on rider positioning.

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