Newsletter no. 2 – Thursday 22 July, 2021
This is the web-based version of Stretch Therapy Newsletter no. 2
About Stretch Therapy ("ST", for short)
What is Stretch Therapy?
ST is a comprehensive system that includes stretching, fascial remodelling, strengthening, neural re-patterning, and relaxation. The goals are grace and ease, and this is experienced as enhanced awareness and elegance in movement. Read more.
Stretching techniques and intelligent ways of teaching
Olivia joins Renée Leeuw on her Yay!Yoga podcast. They discuss a range of techniques in the Stretch Therapy system, such as partner stretching and how to do it safely; they talk about the importance of the breath; the use of language and touch when teaching; and they talk about offering variations of poses for each student in the room. Listen here.
'What is stretching, really?'
In this video, Kit begins by talking about the concepts of grace and ease in the body. He is not convinced that stretching has much to do with sarcomeres and Z-fibres, and all the other things the scientific community is interested in. Stretching does have everything to do with quality of life and the experience of being present in this moment. Watch now.
A note from a student
The biggest benefit I got from it was learning how to effectively use my breath when doing mobility work (which I never really understood when doing yoga classes). This is more than just a follow-along stretching routine, I learnt from Olivia and Kit how to connect to my body through my breath, when to go deeper into a pose, how my breath helps me relax into a pose, the relationship between antagonist/agonist muscles and how to exit a pose to embed the increased range of motion in your neural pathways. Also my sleep quality improved undertaking this program.
James B., Australia