Newsletter no. 30 – Monday 14 February, 2022
This is the web-based version of Stretch Therapy Newsletter no. 30
Olivia Allnutt presents a free one-hour Intermediate-level class
This class** explores a variety of mobilisations for the hips, sumo squats, a standing 'triangle' hamstring stretch, the floor lunge, the seated floor piriformis exercise, and all spinal movements.
In the 'diamond pose' sequence, if you wish to, place a cushion or rolled-up towel behind each leg's knee so the weight of your legs is supported.
** Apologies for the clothing 'rustle' in a couple of places; we're experimenting with microphones.
Find the link to the audio file of the class at
In case you missed them ...
Olivia's first Intermediate class from January:
Kit's Beginner class we released on 31 January:
Notes from ST students
These were in response to Olivia's 'Intermediate' class released on 17 January 2022
wow! that was really amazing. I could never imagine that just a voice guidance can make me feel everything that deep. thanks a lot!
Alex Litvinov, via YouTube
That was fantastic! This class and Kit’s from last week are a great combination. Thanks so much for sharing them with us.
Renita, via the ST website
Love this! Really clear and thorough instructions, thank you for doing this video!
funkychickenism, via YouTube