Newsletter no. 13 – Monday 30 August, 2021
This is the web-based version of Stretch Therapy Newsletter no. 13
Spinal extension – active poses
How to perform a forearm backbend
This is a quick tutorial on how to properly perform a forearm backbend (also known as elbow backbend).
Although a beginner's back bend in the ST system, the fact that everyone can do it means that you can explore a huge range of additional pushes and pulls that moves the stretch from one place to another. This is highly recommended for everyone, and not only beginners.
How to do a bench backbend stretch
The dual bench setup in our kitchen lends itself to back bending, in a completely controllable way. Elbow pressure downwards relieves compression in the lower back; the arms can rotate the shoulders with respect to the hips; and the arms control the depth of the bend, and make coming out of the end position safe and easy.
Standing back bend
In this video, Liv shows you how to do an unusual kind of supported back bend, using the ladder bars (any support you can hang on to with one hand can be used). Unlike our 'Passive back bend over support', where you can relax completely, this one is very active and will stretch the quads and hip flexors in addition to many places on the front line (ribs, pec. minor, abdominals, and more). You will be in complete control and the end stretch result will be excellent.
A note from a student
Tom M.