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Premium Course
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The Stretch Therapy Method is a proven system of stretching exercises for adults regardless of prior experience.
25 Lessons - Starter
Premium Course
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Have you reached a plateau in your journey to maximum flexibility? The Stretch Therapy Mastery Course is just for you – we show you how to remove the roadblocks.
84 Lessons - Mastery
Premium Course
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Our program, Overcome Neck Pain, is designed to target, then reduce (and possibly even eliminate!) all tension in the neck, upper back and that space between your shoulders and your neck, as well as reducing whole body tension.
42 Lessons - Healing
Premium Course
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Over 30 years of real-world success overcoming back and neck pain, the Stretch Therapy Healing Series simply works.
21 Lessons - Healing
Not started
Stretching & Flexibility will change your way of thinking about flexibility and will certainly improve the way you go about achieving it. Everyone will find exercises to suit his or her body type and level of flexibility.
1 Lesson - ebook
Not started
The book that started a revolution in treating neck, middle and lower back problems—and a method that explicitly recognises the necessity of the patient being actively involved in the treatment.
1 Lesson - ebook