Newsletter no. 37 – Monday 23 May, 2022

This is the web-based version of Stretch Therapy Newsletter no. 37

RollStretch sequences for the muscles of the spine

Hello all, in these continuing-to-be strange times!

Today’s newsletter offers three more RollStretch techniques to soften the muscles of the spine. Most of us are glued to our devices even more compared to only a few years ago, and there’s little doubt that more time on devices leaves the spine and its associated muscles holding even more tension than usual.

The three techniques we link to below complement the last newsletter’s offerings; we recommend alternating today’s three with the last three. Give yourself a day off if you are still a bit sore from the last workout. And don’t forget to do a relaxation exercise every day; so many people have written to us to let us know that this practise has literally changed their lives for the better. There are nearly 200 recordings to be found in the ST Relaxation Wiki, and all are free.


A note from an ST Senior Teacher

This [Stretch Therapy cues (makes understanding the videos easier!)] is an excellent video to share with clients. The first few lessons can feel overwhelming when there are many things to consider. For anyone starting on a stretching practice, these principles are key to good form and technique. I find the focus and intention is honed to a greater degree if the client can review this video. Thanks Olivia for your precise instructions.

Cherie Seeto, Sydney Australia – via YouTube

Find Cherie at Sydney Stretch Therapy
